
1. NIBC Global Investment Banking Competition

  • Conducting Comparable Company Analysis, Precedent Transaction Analysis, Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Valuation, and Leveraged Buyout (LBO) Modeling for Bumble (BMBL)

2. Inter-IIT Tech Meet 12.0 | Trading Strategies

  • Implemented trading strategies using technical indicators like RSI, RVI, MACD, WBS, Supertrend
  • Developed backtesting frameworks from scratch on Python & using standard libraries such as BackTrader
  • Implemented advanced exit strategies, including trailing stops, ATR-based stop losses, and take profit measures
  • Achieved 18X buy and hold returns on a 4 year period, while limiting average dip per trade to 6.3%

3. IEEE IROS Humanoid Robot Wrestling Simulation Competition 2023

  • Achieved 2nd position worldwide in the wrestling simulator competition organised during IEEE IROS 2023 conference
  • Simulated a calibrated NAO Robot and implemented a strategy for wrestling matches against other international teams
  • Used a YOLOv5 model along with image processing for recognizing the position and depth of the opponent robot


1. Intelli Invest | SnT Council

  • Mentored 20+ freshmen on investment principles, including value and growth investing, as well as portfolio optimization

2. Financial Networks under Prof. Anindya | IIM-A

  • To analyze networks in financial markets and their dynamics using statistical methods, and validate the findings

3. Soccer Simulation | Prof. Soumya Ranjan Sahoo

  • Developed RL agents using PPO and A3C in C++ for a two-team game, implemented rcssclients for server-client communication, coordinated player movements, and built a logfile protocol to analyze game dynamics

4. Applications of Machine Learning | Course Project | Prof. Purshottam Kar

  • Developed linear ML models to analyze Cross-Connection PUFs, implemented decision tree learning for a word-guessing game, evaluated linear classifiers and derived model validity

Technical Skills

LanguagesC, C++, Python, Java, Javascript, R
LibrariesNumpy, Pandas, ScikitLearn, Matplotlib, TensorFlow, PyTorch
UtilitiesGit, Github, SQL, MongoDB, Shell, Linux, React